Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008

As I sit here in my dorm room, I can here supporters for Obama yelling "Vote For Change," "Obama 08'." As I sit here thinking, I am waiting for the supporters of McCain to start chanting back in hopes of a good old fashioned chant off, if there is such a thing. But the McCain supporters have been. Even though this is the first year in which i can vote, I have been paying more attention to the Leiutenant Governor race for North Carolina. I am a huge supporter of Senator Walter Dalton and believe he is the best politician in my wonderful state. As far as the presidential election goes, we may be witnessesing a monumental change in our federal government.

1 comment:

Energy4tomorrow said...

I love the idea of a good old fashioned chant off. If there isn't such a thing, there should be! I can only imagine what the crowd sounds like now. Hope you're enjoying the experience.